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       【TEL】 052-937-7400 【FAX】 052-935-3550
       【E-mail】 hudosan_marusho@mbr.nifty.com
       【URL】 http://www.hudosan-marusho.com/

  〒461-0022 34-21, Higashi-ozone, Higashi, Nagoya, Japan

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Q1:What are Japanese homes like?
 The houses are either Japanese-style, western-style, or a combination. 
A Japanese-style house is built mainly of wood.  It has interior sliding panels made of   paper.  Most rooms open onto a garden. The floors are coverd with thick woven mats   called tatami.
A western-style house is usually wood and concrete, and it may have one Japanese-style room.  Nowadays, combination-style houses are on the increase.

Q2:What are apartments and condominiums like?
 The better apartments and the condominiums are called "mansions". They're small by  western standards.  A "2LDK" mansion is typical. That's two bedrooms, a combination  living-dining room, kitchen area, a bath, and a small balcony.

Q3:What are the other apartments like?
 The regular apartments, the ones that are not considered "mansions", are extremely   small.  For example, an entire apartment might equel the space of a standard American living room.  And a family of four might live there.

Q4:Is housing expensive in Japan?
 Yes.  Housing is extremely expensive, especially in the cities.  There are two mainfactors.  One is the scarcity of property.  The other is that we can't built real high-rise housing because of the dager of earthquakes.  This makes the cost of property in Tokyo the highest in the world.

Q5:What about condominiums and apartments?
 Most apartments are tiny by western standards.  We also have better rental apartments and condos.  They're called "mansions".They're larger and more comfortable, but the rents or purchase prices are very high.